Social Science and Humanities Perspectives for One Health

Social Science And Humanities Perspectives For One Health

This module will demonstrate how the social sciences and the humanities can enrich understanding of One Health challenges and enhance One Health solutions through deep consideration of the social, cultural, political, behavioral, and ethical aspects of issues at the human-animal-environment interface.


  • Describe the role of the social sciences in One Health
  • Describe how the different social sciences can offer a variety of perspectives in achieving One Health goals

History - Nicolo Paolo Ludovice, Ph.D.

Environmental Psychology - John Jamir Aruta, Ph.D.

Sociology and Human Geography - Ma. Victoria Espaldon, Ph.D.

Indigenous People - Ma. Elena Regpala, MA

Anthropology - Pamela Cajilig, MA

Animal Rights - Pablo Perez Castelló, Ph.D.

Required Learning Materials


Recommended Learning Materials

